Friendship is Magic by Brianne Drouhard
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Holy crap. Brianne Drouhard, magical designer, illustrator, and creator of the beautiful comic Harpy Gee, made this update that perfectly fits into the end of Skadi. I’m pretty happy right about now. Thank you, Brianne!!

Phew! I’m finally done posting them all. This contest was so much fun for me…I hope you guys loved looking at everyone’s funny ideas as much as I did.

This design by Matthew Benham is pretty awesome…and what a crazy drawing style too! Definitely check out his tumblr cause there’s neat stuff on there.

Whooooooa, look at this super sexy Skadi by Muy Mal. Skadi wishes she had nice boobies like that!

Pixel-Excel went above and beyond and sent in this comic. There’s technically four different costume designs here!  Also, the third panel in this is the best thing ever.

Red Blooper’s Skadi is so appealing…this was another one that I came close to picking.

Sarah Parker drew this crazy cool Skadi, and I really like it. The costume design is interesting, and I really like how she drew Skadi’s face and hair.

Sarah Hyland kept Skadi’s new outfit close to her original style, but added a bunch of funny little things…I think Skadi totally could pull off actual animal heads for pauldrons.

Here are two separate designs from Tinh Le! First is a Greek styled Skadi, which was hard to resist…I love Greek mythology.  The second is Skadi wearing an all meat getup, and features what might be the funniest drawing of Diseasoid in existence.


Here’s another design I came very close to picking: Tredlow’s horned tortoise armor. I love love love this drawing, and the idea behind it, as grisly as it is. I wonder if all those tortoises knew one another…maybe she crashed their family reunion and slaughtered the whole family to make this outfit.

William BeBeau sent in this Bard Skadi!  I love how she looks so happy and confident, but she’s obviously not as great a musician as she thinks…William not only draws, but plays instruments as well! When I had my big yard sale he actually showed up to serenade us for a time.  Pretty cool.  :]

Zachary Zeller claims not to be an artist, but this is a pretty awesome set of drawings.  Definitely take the time to read the descriptions, cause they’re super funny. I loved this when it was sent in…I may have to draw Skadi wearing these just for fun someday.  With permission from Zachary of course!

Here is Skadi and her beast Diseasoid by Zoogitron.  Pretty adorable…finally Diseasoid gets some affection! And I said it in a previous post but I really love it when people remember Skadi’s ear bite!  😀

江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...

Well, that’s officially it for this contest! Thanks again everyone. I definitely want to do more stuff like this in the future!


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Fellow Dumm artist sub免费网络加速器 sent in this Skadi that is both adorable and frightening. You don’t want to mess with this version of Skadi. I love her expression and the ear bite detail!

Armando G. Arias sent in this Foxy Skadi. Foxes are one of my favorite animals so I was confused about whether I was delighted or horrified by this one. Mostly delight, since the drawing is cute and funny. There’s some very creative ideas on how many ways a girl could wear a fox in this drawing! · 州)的资金都来自于公共基金。在增长加速计划的预算中也包括了 Curitiba (帕拉纳州)机场的第三条跑道。Page 160, para 4.214 第160页第4.214段 Under MERCOSUR Decision No. 25/2021, a regulatory framework allows for granting temporary work permits to

Douglas sent in this Road Warrior inspired Skadi. I love it when people draw Skadi with these types of proportions…she looks so cute despite wielding that huge gun. Diseasoid’s face is also extra cute and funny to me.

Here’s 旋风加速器老版本下载 submission…those boob plates are nuts!  She could murder a man with one hug. With her height they’d probably go right through the eyeballs. I love those huge boots too. A lotta leather would go into making a pair.

给Apple公司写文案是种什么体验?:2021-9-20 · 再过不到半年,iPhone 7 就要在库克身后的大屏幕上露脸了。每年这时候,当其他人在兴奋地讨论值不值得为 Apple 新产品卖掉一个肾的时候,我脑海里浮现的总是一些你伔不曾经历过的画面。

江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产-广西新闻网:2021-3-1 · 3月1日,《新华每日电讯》刊载题为《江苏:“及时雨”精准助力复工达产》的报道 新华社记者刘亢、凌军辉、陈刚、郑生竹 复工半月有余,一嘲抢 ...

I love this beast armor Skadi by Jason Kenyon…I like that she could run around wreaking havoc pretending to be a minotaur.

Jen Goss tackled a tablet for the first time and was able to produce this beauty: Skadi wearing a Warring Accessories Randomization Technology suit. She even wrote out a story premise for it which was pretty cool! Thanks Jen!

Here is a winter Skadi drawn by Jesse Mullan…I love that he gave Skadi some dignity for once.  It’s so rare we see her looking calm and refined. That is one thing I regret about her initial design…Skadi is pretty impervious to the cold, so I never get to dress her up in these types of clothes. I love them though, and I love this design too.

Here’s another example of Skadi looking totally adorable…Josyanne Cloutier sent in a Queen Barbarian Skadi, complete with crowned helmet and bear skin dress. It suits her, though Diseasoid looks a bit unsure about it.

Oh oh oh, I love this one…Marce Martinez sent in this Samurai Skadi, and it’s just the best.  So cute.  >__<

Lastly, D-Mononoke sent in this nicely designed new outfit for Skadi. I wihs I’d thought to use fur in her original design, I love how it looks on her butt!

That’s it for now…thanks everyone again for sending in your art! I have the best readers.


Happy Halloween, guys!!  You win if you are able to guess Skadi and Diseasoid’s Halloween costumes in today’s comic!

Also, in case you haven’t heard, I have a new webcomic called Camp Weedonwantcha that finally started updating this week.  It’s about a camp for abandoned children, and I’m pretty excited about it.  It’ll be updating twice a week, and Skadi will continue to update once a week.  If you’re a fan of Skadi please click the preview below and check it out!

Now on to costumes! Dumm comic’s own Chris Garrison might have actually turned in been my ultimate favorite drawing for the contest, though it’s difficult to say with so many good ones.  I would have chosen this one if I were able to think of a storyline that went along with it!  It’s just so cute it kills me.

Emily Olson did this cute Skadi that reflects the absolute opposite of her personality.  I love it!!

Fluffy turned in two drawings, both which are pretty hilarious and cute. The dinosaur one especially was very tempting to choose!  (It was nice to meet you at GGC, by the way!)

给Apple公司写文案是种什么体验?:2021-9-20 · 再过不到半年,iPhone 7 就要在库克身后的大屏幕上露脸了。每年这时候,当其他人在兴奋地讨论值不值得为 Apple 新产品卖掉一个肾的时候,我脑海里浮现的总是一些你伔不曾经历过的画面。

Kris Makey turned in this Heavy Metal Skadi.  Love the pose, and the drawing of Diseasoid is hilarious.

Here is a snakey reptile inspired outfit for Skadi by Michael Van!

I love this drawing from Mike R Baker of Skadi as both Betty Rubble and Han Solo. His site has a lot of pretty stuff on it too!

Lastly here are Rob De Souza’s two costume entries, a beast armor Skadi and Valkyrie Skadi. I think Skadi is super cute and jaunty looking in these![1][主站管理] 【特别策划】东北网记者寻访东北亚丝绸之路 2021-05-26 10:35 [2][主站管理] 黑龙江干部群众紧急行动 迅速掀起抗旱保苗工作


…and that concludes our three part non-sensical story!!

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Here are the other two submissions that also inspired today’s comic, first Izak Flash Man’s…

…and Ingo Günther’s cute mix up. Thanks guys!!

Now on to another batch of runner-ups!  We’ll start with Arnold Gutierrez, who turned in this amazing Valkyrie Skadi. I almost chose this one because I love it so much. Beautiful work!

Next is Becky Hunt’s Pineapple Maki inspired Skadi. Hooray for you if you get the reference! 😀

Cassie Soliday did this creative and cute Skadi from the future!

Thank you Colby for this white knight inspired Skadi!

I love this design from Deanna L…especially the scars across her face. Very warrior-esque!

Here is a cute gothic Skadi from Kiki. I love how she drew Diseasoid…he looks so happy to be bad-ass for once. :]

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Here is another design I would have loved to have drawn, by Sarah Hoffman. There is something very sweet about this more modest Skadi ensemble. Thank you Sarah!

Lastly, here is a gorgeous redesign from 旋风加速器老版本下载. I came very close to choosing this one as well! How adorable is this outfit??

Again, thanks for the submissions everyone! I’ll be posting even more next week. If you are listed here and would like a link to your work, please just email me or contact me on the site and I’ll update as soon as I’m able!

Thanks so much to Anthony Loiacono for sending in this hilarious nun design! I thought the drawing was pretty hilarious, and the idea of drawing a nun Skadi comic was too funny for me to resist. Anthony also has two art sites you can check out! Here’s his Tumblr and his Deviantart Page. Definitely check out his Tumblr, as it has some pretty awesome Skadi studies and a whole bunch of neat costume ideas. :]

Anthony actually sent in a second costume design that combines two of my favorite things, hill folk and barbarism!


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I’ll start off with Fatesumner who sent in this lovely Druid inspired Skadi. This was a very close second to T-Cat’s winning design from last weeks comic. I love these soft forest colors and there could definitely be a story behind the beast head she’s got on.

Here is sub免费网络加速器电脑版下载 adorable Skadi! I think she looks so confident cause she’s actually wearing something a little more practical than what she’s used to…


Dennis Driscoll sent in two designs, a Barbarella inspired Skadi and a badass Valkyrie Skadi. I love how into it Diseasoid is.


Emmy sent in this cute little Skadi. She’s all cozy in her bear corpse cloak!

Here is an amazing drawing and beautiful design from Erin Midderin, showcasing just how much of an animal lover Skadi is. Poor animals!


Evan sent in this drawing that perfectly captures Diseasoid’s true essence. Who here gets the reference? :]

Here is Francisco Baguinski’s idea for Skadi’s new look. Diseasoid’s little hat is especially cute!


Skadi is experimenting with a Viking meets cowboy look in this drawing from Jedo.


Kevin Arsenault sent in this cute farmer Skadi…I think people are on to me and know I like Western/hillbilly type stuff…  :]


This Skadi looks so cute and soft, I really like how Maddie Wilson drew her body proportions.


Mike R’s Skadi is awesome, but that’s gotta be the happiest and most dapper Diseasoid’s ever been!!


sub免费网络加速器电脑版下载 sent in this totally not stupid and pretty adorable Skadi. Her hair is super cute like that!


Here is Nicolas Martinez’s totally creative and unique take on a costume change for Skadi- gigantic iron pants!


PiousDrone sent in this tough looking Skadi- it is a bad time for bears in the Skadi universe it seems!


I love this drawing- Rodrigo Guillermo Nicolás Núñez Krebs gave Skadi a totally metal makeover. That hair is awesome!


Oh Ruby…these drawings…these drawings are just so, so so cute and I love them. I came very close to choosing pirate Skadi!


How cool is Steven Alphonse’s style?? These drawings are amazing.


Last but not least is Yasmeen Khan, who sent in these two drawings. They make a pretty awesome comic on their own!


Thanks again everyone for sending in your art, you made this costume contest super fun. I hope you’ll come back next week for the end of the Costume Contest Comic, and for more costume entries.

I did my best to include people’s sites along with their entries, but if I missed someone just contact me and I’ll update the information ASAP!


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